Developer Submits Bid For Historic Courthouse Building

A developer has submitted an offer to purchase the historic Dade Civil Courthouse in downtown Miami, according to Miami Today.

GFO Acquisitions LLC, which is a subsidiary of GFO Investments, submitted the bid of “about” $52.3 million.

Marisa Galbut is the CEO and president of of GFO, with Russell Galbut the chairman.

The developer plans a mostly residential, mixed-use redevelopment that respects the building’s history, a spokesperson told the paper.

The Dade County Courthouse was completed in 1928 and became the tallest building south of Baltimore. It was also the tallest municipal building in the United States.

A new courthouse building is scheduled to open across the street on January 21, allowing for the redevelopment.


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Realtalk Reilly
12 days ago

I doubt that a developer will be able to profitably transform this building into a residential building. Emphasis on the word profitably. The job could be done, but not at a cost that’s less than the amount of building an entirely new building with modern amenities that would appeal to modern buyers.

So why would a developer and/or investors want to invest in a project like this when their money could be more profitably invested elsewhere?

As others said, this was designed (layout, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, elevators, etc.) as a civic / public building, and the ideal use for it should remain as such.

So here is the realtalk about what should happen:

The City of Miami should move its headquarters, aka City Hall, from the building on the Coconut Grove waterfront to this old Courthouse building downtown. It would be a beautiful City Hall. It looks like a grand, old City Hall building. Can’t you just picture politicians holding press conferences on the steps, and having meetings in its historic, wood-paneled courtrooms?

Meanwhile, the current City Hall building in Coconut Grove can then be demolished and redeveloped — a MUCH more suitable opportunity for residential redevelopment than the old Courthouse. The sale of that highly lucrative property for development will net the City a HUGE windfall in the hundreds of millions of dollars.


RR has spoken.

12 days ago

Unfortunately that makes just too much sense for the politicians in Dade to think of. Even though it’s literally in GoVeRnMeNt CeNtEr

Realtalk Reilly
12 days ago

P.S. Forgot to mention, the County HQ is obviously right around the corner so that would help facilitate coordination between the two entities. They could also probably consolidate some support services for mutual savings.

12 days ago

#1. Redevelopment to Condo/hotel/restaurant can be profitable or Galbut wouldn’t do it. (See LeMeridien Hotel Tampa for guidance).
#2. The current City Hall is in a Historic Building. You should visit sometime and read all the placards.
#3. The City and County aren’t going to be “coordinating” anytime soon.

Realtalk Reilly
8 days ago

The cost of renovating the building into apartments or a hotel would be so high that they’d never be able to recover it, because nobody is going to pay that much to live or stay in a Miami building without a swimming pool or balconies.

The current City Hall is a historic building in name only. It was a seaplane terminal but that ended in 1945 and now that aspect of it is totally unrecognizable. When you were reading all those placards did it occur to you that without the placards there’d be virtually no way for you to identify it as a seaplane terminal or any kind of historic structure?

11 days ago

The City cant do anything. The COUNTY owns the building and has full control over what happens to it. The biggest reason the COUNTY doesn’t want to re-use this courthouse is because its literally falling apart inside and the walls are full of asbestos. It would cost hundreds of millions to rehab the building to safely remove the asbestos and the COUNTY does not want to spend the money to do that. Its cheaper to sell it and make it someone else’s problem.

10 days ago

probably not hundreds of millions to rehab, probably just 20M to gut to the studs and structural entities in the building and just start fresh from there. BUT THE REAL VALUE IS IN THE TRANSFERABLE AIR RIGHTS! Which are unlimited in that area.

10 days ago

Yeah, they can transfer unlimited development right through the TDR program for the city of Miami for historic properties to other nearby properties, and it’s based on the floors you could develop on the historic site. Theoretically, it’s unlimited, but there is probably some kind of cap. They did the same thing with the Miami River Inn and they sold their unused development rights somewhere else in the city that could use the bonus height.

10 days ago

The City Hall building is one of the last remaining Pan Am water terminals from the old 20’s. Why get rid of either?

Realtalk Reilly
8 days ago

Because although the building was the Pan Am terminal nearly 100 years ago, at this point it’s totally unrecognizable as such on the inside. It was long ago gutted and converted to City Hall. Nobody goes there to ruminate about the history of when Pan Am clipper seaplanes used to land there, and nobody ever will. It will absolutely 100% be torn down and redeveloped sooner or later.

Mad Dash
12 days ago

This will be great to help further develop the western part of downtown

12 days ago

I hope they keep the historic facade

12 days ago

They have to….

12 days ago

I hope they paint a giant mural of Messi on it…

11 days ago

Hopefully it wont be Messi.

12 days ago

It’s a historic landmark so that goes without saying

11 days ago

I hope they paint it an antique warm sand-like color to preserve its historic charm and get rid of that gray brutalist look it has, especially for such a warm sunny city like miami.

10 days ago

it was always gray through, thats the color of that stone.

10 days ago

It’s the color!! Stone. No don’t paint it

12 days ago

I do not believe they can destroy the building at all. There better be some intense deed restrictions on up keep and keep the building in good working order through re-development. This is a lost opportunity for a University like UM to have a downtown campus. I do hope some of the original court rooms stay put. There is a lot of history in that building.

11 days ago

imagine if FIU had a downtown campus here… instead of in Brickell

12 days ago

The could easily just blow out each floor and set up two apartments and make a mint. Also they have a lot of work to do with remediation and mold. A LOT! Lastly they should keep the handful of the authentic court rooms with the original Miami Dade wood and painting. They look amazing and it could be used for a gym for sure.

Plan Better
12 days ago

The area looked a lot better before the new courthouse was built.
There were many other better sites for the new courthouse.

Yan Jammer
12 days ago

Not really better sites it just needed a much better or at least a normal design.

12 days ago

New courthouse is opening in two weeks?! It’s till missing paint on half of the west facade…

12 days ago

“Redevelopment that respects the buildings history” What does this mean?

11 days ago

Keeping the old wooden courtrooms intact hopefully

Howard Roark
12 days ago

This would be a perfect location for a 21C hotel. Can you imagine the restaurant and bars they could put in the basement, where the jail cells are located? This would be a very cool and iconic space, and a great location for a prestigious hotel considering all the nearby redevelopment.

Dominique Francon
12 days ago

The Liberty Hotel in Boston was developed from the old jail of the 19th century and extremely popular and well positioned. Great example of adaptive re-use.

Lamont D Sanford
11 days ago

One of my favorite hotels in Boston. Love staying there.

12 days ago

A lovely building, but it was never the tallest municipal building in the United States. Not even close actually,

Yan Jammer
12 days ago

Name 3 not counting churches or a mixed use building with one gov office.

11 days ago

Manhattan Municipal Building is one that immediately comes to mind. LA City Hall. Seattle Municipal Tower.

11 days ago

The classic tower design gives it a governmental appearance. Miami has only this, and Freedom Tower, with a classic tapered top. I do not think a new federal building should resemble a condo.
Unless I am wrong, and I bow to others on this.
I simply think the existing old tower is perfect (yet outdated). As a native 60 year old 3rd generation, I respect this federal design.

10 days ago

South of Baltimore!

Cover the Podiums
11 days ago

Hotel with club/restaurant at the base

11 days ago

Urban redevelopment is the best development, development in natural areas and farm areas is the worst… so thank you

12 days ago

This is the only historic building in Miami that should be preserved and renovated- I’d love to see this above all others

12 days ago

Only? Miami is full of historic buildings, most of which aren’t protected, and being demolished or altered beyond recognition every day.

12 days ago

Go to Liberty City, I’m sure you’ll love the historic buildings there.

12 days ago

Great comeback…

Yan Jammer
12 days ago

The new courthouse is a pretty terrible design, but at least it’s likely to be most covered up by the Metrocenter and other developments around Government Center.

12 days ago

I rather like it. Not sure why there is so much hate for it. It’s a nice building.

grown on me
12 days ago

Actually it doesn’t look that bad, but the grey, even the color of the bare cement better matches the historic courthouse rather than white paint.

12 days ago

It’s an off white cream color

10 days ago

Whatever they do keep the homeless far away or it will be filthy

12 days ago

Make it a library or train station or museum!

12 days ago

Still should be city hall.

12 days ago

I actually agree with that. Having City Hall next to Miami Central Station would make it far more accessible to the public. Not to mention, being located next to the courthouses and Police Headquarters would help form a unified government campus.

That being said, I’m sure the *last thing* Miami’s gov wants is increased transparency and accessibility to their constituents lol hence why they are relocating to by the airport.

Thinking Ahead
12 days ago

Perfect use. Plenty of opportunities for residences. Something this special would be best to be preserved for a civic use.

12 days ago

Or an art museum of classical art. Miami has a number of art museum but they’re all modern art or eclectic personal collections. Would be nice to have a proper museum for antiquities. Let the wealth of this city show that Miami is more than a second home or a party city. A museum of classic works would show its preeminence and that the city can hang with the big boys.

Turning the building into residences will gut and ruin any historic design and elements of the building. This city has a hundred new luxury condos for parking international wealth in, but next to nothing in preserved historic depth. We dont need another psuedo luxury building of white floors, white walls, neon chandeliers, and the sound of house music thumping from some set of hidden speakers. Selling off the older Courthouse would be a massive mistake.

And who knows, with the Civil Litigation Rules amendments that just came into effect, we may need the additional courtroom space. The new Rules of Civil Procedure are going to bury judges and attorneys with needless work.

11 days ago

That’s because modern art is for money laundering and rich people with no taste but a lust for status.

12 days ago

Yes city hall in the actual city not Coconut Grove where nobody can walk to…

12 days ago

Why can’t you walk there?
It’s only a mile from a Metrorail stop if you are unable to walk more than a mile.

Lamont D Sanford
11 days ago

Not only is it easy to walk to the Coconut Grove City Hall, you walk through parks to get there. You can even take a boat if you would prefer.

12 days ago

They just spent like a billion dollars on a train station across the street – is this a serious comment?

10 days ago

Sure the homeless can filthy it up

12 days ago

I wish they kept it as is and just renovate it inside to convert to condos!

12 days ago

Clearly reading is not your strong suit.