Miami Beach Ordered To Fully Reopen Ocean Drive To Cars

A judge has ordered the City of Miami Beach to reinstate two-way car traffic on Ocean Drive, according to the Herald.

The court order came after The Clevelander challenged the current one-way configuration in court, saying it couldn’t properly operate a business.

Miami Beach initially closed the street to cars during the pandemic, and for the past three years has allowed only one lane of traffic.

A Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge said that the city was violating Miami-Dade County’s authority to regulate the road.

Miami-Dade county officials told the city in a letter that conditions for the current configuration, including one lane of traffic and two bicycle lanes, have not been met. They have also ordered a pedestrian plaza to be removed.



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1 month ago

If they want to improve Ovean Drive they should ban flights from Atlanta😅

30 days ago

They should also make it English only.

Someone who actual reads
30 days ago

Have you actually been recently (last like two years) or is this just a joke. It’s like 98% nice 2% ghetto. It’s all families now. This is old news.

29 days ago

They should also stop buses from hialeah

18 days ago

When does any flight to go Miami Beach? Atlanta or NYC or anywhere else has nothing to do with cars on Ocean Ave.

1 month ago

We learned nothing from the most recent attack in New Orleans and previously Nice, France apparently.

One rogue person can ruin the reputation of Miami Beach for a decade while killing those on vacation.

29 days ago

They could remove the sidewalks and make Ocean Drive restaurants drive-thru only, send all the pedestrians back to Lincoln Road.

29 days ago

We need more bollards everywhere

27 days ago

Well, then close America’s borders and let police do their jobs without them jeopardizing their pension.

1 month ago

Dammmm what a sad day.Ocean Dr. should have been only for pedestrians with cafes as Lincoln Rd.

30 days ago

go say that to all business owners who have lost over 50% of business since the traffic is closed

29 days ago

Its never been a drive thru except for asses sticking out of cars..

La Tortuga
27 days ago

I would but they don’t exist

29 days ago

So, the family that shows up with luggage for 5 and staying for 14 nights in an Art Deco Hotel, should have their driver stop on Washington Avenue and schlep all that luggage through the alley to Ocean Drive?

Lincoln Road has very few hotels on the part that is closed to vehicular traffic.
From 5th Street to 15 Street, Ocean Drive is all hotels with restaurants and shops below.

Tired of stupid
18 days ago

Talk about an extreme hypothetical ! And probably never to occur scenario. You do know that at any moment a meteor could hit you in the head killing you instantly, but I’m guessing you don’t walk around outside with a hard hat on…..

1 month ago

Shutter the Clevelander!!

27 days ago

No desire to see anymore drag shows!!!! Lets start healing from all the Wokeness! Shutter the Clevelander!!

No road, No rail, No future
1 month ago

Miami the only city on planet Earth where pedestrian zones are replaced with streets and highways are replaced by double decked highways. Quite literally everywhere is the opposite direction.

29 days ago

So, do you credit those choices to why Miami is attracting so much talent, so many businesses, and so much affluence compared to the “literally everywhere” cities?

1 month ago

Embarrassing…Ratchet Drive back in action I guess

Cover the Podiums
1 month ago

First the Clevelander owner wanted to sell out for 35 story tower using LLA. And now they want make it less pedestrian friendly.

Clevelander owner is the actual opposition

29 days ago

There are large sidewalks on either side of Ocean Drive.
There is a massive park from 5th Street to 14th Street where pedestrians, artists, athletes, and families walk.
There is a large public beach and boardwalk to the east of the pedestrian friendly park and pedestrian friendly sidewalks.

So many of these great ideas seem to forget that Ocean Drive has been very successful since the late 1980’s and has only failed since the local government stopped supporting law enforcement.

1 month ago

sad day in miami

1 month ago

What about the bike lanes??

30 days ago

GONE !!! they will have to use the line they used before the shut down

So happy for the back of traffick, atmosphere, vibe and BUSINESS

Yan Jammer
1 month ago

After a monumental ascension since the ghost town sobe of the 80s, this might be a slight step back to less tourist density but more honda civics

1 month ago

Why don’t they just have roundabouts at every end point?

29 days ago

That is a decent idea.
Well done.

29 days ago

it has been really nice not having all those cars on Ocean dr.

18 days ago

easy. add the two lanes and then put sidewalk crossings with stop signs for autos. Enough so that they won’t want to drive down it.

One way was a great idea. Autos could still drive by and view the beautiful buildings. More people friendly.

If a business can’t operate without a line of sitting cars ( traffic hell ), then their product isn’t good enough. They aren’t a carwash.

30 days ago

Back to the business to all hotel, restaurant, parking owner
Welcome back Miami Beach night life !

1 month ago

cars win away

1 month ago

Cars are cool but extreme auto dependency is not.

real Floridian
1 month ago

being a car guy meant you used to go on long scenic road trips – route 66, the pacific coast highway, etc.

It’s never been about smelly atlanta wannabe rappers renting a car for a day so they can drive “down the strip” (nobody here calls it that) to then return it filled with bullet holes the next morning

1 month ago

Cars BAD! The whole road should be closed down and replaced with bike lanes, shore power generators, and a Metromoober extension never mind the fact the flyovers will block views from the hotel.

Yan Jammer
1 month ago

No, once at Miami Beach, light rail would be a more traditional but modern street car or wireless electric BEMU.

1 month ago

Bro has never been to another city lmao