North Corridor Rail Service Pushed Back To 2037

Completion of the North Corridor has been pushed back, according to Miami Today.

The North Corridor is a planned rail extension from the existing Metrorail to Broward County, with a stop at Hard Rock Stadium. It is part of Miami Dade’s SMART rapid transit plan.

It would run 10 miles, with 8 stations.

Completion is now projected for 2037, according to a presentation to the Citizens’ Independent Transportation Trust. That is a year later than forecast earlier in 2024.

In addition, the estimated cost has risen from $1.9B to $2.2B.

A station at Miami Dade College’s busy North Campus is controversially no longer a part of the plans. Instead, a shuttle service is being considered.



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24 days ago

Embarrassing that 10 miles of rail takes 13 years, we need to find a way to cut through beau racy and empower infrastructure investment to allow for more development to support south Floria’s growth.

24 days ago

It’s not “the bureaucracy” – it’s Miami. Cities all around the country are expanding their transit systems and we can’t even get BRT off the ground.

Unfortunately, this expansion is NEVER going to happen.

24 days ago

Can you identify some of the cities that are expanding heavy rail?

24 days ago

I didn’t specify heavy rail, but some of the projects underway in other U.S. Cities include: Kansas City (new streetcar line) Los Angeles (A line) Orange County (new streetcar line) Phoenix (new light rail) Seattle (two new extensions) Maryland suburbs (large light rail project) Honolulu (skyline metro extended to airport) San Jose (BART extension) and of course NYC’s Second Avenue subway expansion as well as an entire new terminal underneath Grand Central. I am sure I am leaving a few out.

Oh yeah, in Miami we debuted a new bus route that the mayor is trying to pass off as BRT.

18 days ago

there was the metro expansion for DC as well.

Smart urban growth
24 days ago

Los Angeles probably most notably with the d line subway and sepulveda pass subway

24 days ago

LA has the Olympics. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have the money just like they don’t have water.

Park Slope
22 days ago

It was planned and being built well before being awarded the Olympics. Nice try Walter Hater.

24 days ago

Los angeles and Seattle the only two I can really think of

24 days ago

Streetcar systems are being expanded, however. Frankly, that’s the way to go. Less expensive the Metrorail, far less expensive and more speed and capacity than Metromover, and flexible.

24 days ago

Chicago is extending the Red line south

24 days ago

Washington DC; the silver line extension fully completed in 2022 (phase 1 in 2014) & the purple line is now in progress now. It was already the 2nd largest metro system in the US but continues to expand rapidly.

20 days ago

California high speed rail is the biggest boondoggle of the century.

24 days ago

Yeah. It’s just not going to happen period. This is Miami folks, they will delay delay for decades and then cancel. Wake up.

Truth Matters
24 days ago

Car rules in this city

24 days ago

Good, divert priorities elsewhere that make more sense, like a western Metrorail extension from Government Center Station to Marlins Park, looping up to Miami Airport Station, and another down to Douglas Road Station.

Big head
24 days ago

Neither of those are higher priorities than this line which should’ve been built decades ago. They wasted money on the line to Hialeah when this one should’ve been built. Part of the reason they lost out on the World Cup final bid.

23 days ago

250k+ people live in hialeah. You’re insane if you think building that line was a waste lol.

if it isn’t during a dolphins game, f1 or other event within the confines of the stadium grounds, nobody is willingly going anywhere near miami gardens where Hard Rock is at.

Big head
22 days ago

The line would serve Miami Gardens Miramar and Hollywood area for commuters which has just as many people as Hialeah. No one ever trying to go anywhere near Hialeah for any reason. Rode that line before and no one is ever on it. Much of Miami dade county municipal workforce lives in Miramar, Hollywood and Miami Gardens.

21 days ago

Whether or not you think it was the highest priority project imaginable (obviously not), you can’t possibly think this is a good thing? The fact that greater Miami is unable to successfully plan and build a simple extension of an existing above ground line running on an existing linear corridor should be concerning because the other higher priority projects you have wet dreams about will NEVER get built.

20 days ago

remember the half penny tax for expansion that never happened lol

24 days ago

The Dolphins have a better chance of getting a Super Bowl WIN than this happening 🤣

24 days ago

That’s a lot considering the Dolphins haven’t been relative in years.

24 days ago


24 days ago

Another reminder that MD county government has no clue about how to implement mass transit, as well as it’s severe importance to the quality of life.

305 Norte
24 days ago

But they get an A+ for putting on dog and pony shows!

24 days ago

The cost is woefully underestimated. An elevated commuter rail costs like at least 500 million per mile.

Even if they were relying on old 2012 extension numbers I still think it’s bs. The Chicago redline extension is like 5 billion for less track!

24 days ago

^^THIS. That $1.9 billion figure was from 6 years ago. Just $2.2 billion now is a joke. More like $4 Bil.

24 days ago

Lets face it – we’ll be sitting in traffic on i95 for the rest of our lives. This city isn’t doing shit.

24 days ago


24 days ago

Wasn’t this supposed to be ready to reach hard rock for the world cup in 2026? Wtf…

24 days ago

Has there been any updates on Beach corridor? At this point I don’t think any of these projects are ever going to happen.

24 days ago

Now people are catching on. They were never going to happen to begin with.

24 days ago

Yes, unfortunately. Getting ready for the outrage that The South Dade BRT is only going to run a few hours during north commute rush hour. Nice stations will be manned with security and sit empty most of the day/night. Only new BRT busses can stop there because of doors are on the left of the bus. Stations are in the median so all of our other busses can’t use the stops. You can’t make it up.

24 days ago

Why are they even considering building this line? You have to build a line that goes to where people commute to other points on the line which is why the Northern half of the line has been empty since it was built. Building a line further into this unused area isnt going to do anything.

Either go West towards Dolphin Mall, South towards Kendall/Homestead or Northwest towards Miami Lakes/SW Broward where people actually go to Downtown/Civic Center/Brickell etc. Stop with the antiquated notion that people living off 27th Ave are going to use this system. They havent for 40 years.

24 days ago

The northern part of the green line is full every day during morning and afternoon.

23 days ago

The ridership stats dont say that. The least used part of the system is all the northern green line stops right after Earlington Heights. Anecdotal reports about trains being full mean nothing when the actual data the county releases every month says the opposite.

23 days ago

The county government is incompetent at best, corrupt and intentionally malicious at worse.

I take the greenline every day. Lots of times the app says there’s a train about to depart in 5 mins – then it just doesn’t show up and you end up leaving 15 mins later. Or it does show up, and just sits there doing nothing until a completely random arbitrary time. And because of the delays, when the train does arrive it’s so packed people straight up have to wait until the next one because there’s literally no standing room to even get inside.

The county views anyone living north as second-class citizens.

24 days ago

Homestead, no. Doral, yes.

305 Norte
24 days ago

Time for a smarter SMART plan. Stop pitting one neighborhood against another. Everyone in the county pays taxes, everyone deserves access to safe, convenient, affordable, efficient public transit.
By the end of the year Cybercabs should be in production. Autonomous vehicles will make it practical to connect everyone with rapid transit stations on demand, boost ridership and offer better service at lower costs.
And who knows, maybe get a fancy new tunnel boring machine like they’re using in Vegas, connect Aventura Mall/Brightline, Hard Rock Stadium, and Golden Glades/Tri-rail? Then a loop from MiamiCentral/Gov’t Center, over to the Dodge Island cruise terminals and on to South Beach. Etc. Etc. Get the picture? Hope so. If not, please don’t stand in the way.

23 days ago

^^the correct question you should ask is “Buying any of this BS?”

23 days ago

Lol the same cybercabs that will get caught in gridlocked traffic. Good mass transit tends to have the right-of-way to be a true alternative to cars.

23 days ago

The north half of the system is as crowded as the south half. Get out of that outdated 1980s thinking.

23 days ago

Nope. Completely untrue. Its not even 1/5 of the South line.

Just read the ridership reports. The county releases them monthly.

You are dishonest
23 days ago

Misleading info. South gets both Orange and Green trains every 5 mins. North only gets a green train every 10-15 and that’s during workday hours. Weekends is even more insane.

23 days ago

There’s 100k people a month using both Dadeland stops. Theres 20k using palmetto and Okeechobee. That’s not misleading. There’s simply 5 times as many people using those stations hence why they have more trains. You can add a train every 5 mins to palmetto and Okeechobee and there’s still gonna be 20k a month there.

24 days ago

South florida’s only chance of having decent rail would come from private venture, the city, county or state would never deliver anything

Truth Matters
24 days ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. As long as they continue to demand parking and to build ease for the automobile, nobody and I mean nobody will ride transit for 2 hours to do a 45 min commute.

24 days ago

Shame there isn’t a spur that connects to the golden glades in the cards for this expansion. I’d bet there’d be a ton of ridership from a connection like that.

24 days ago

Already a tri rail station there and then a tri rail – metro transfer two stations later.

24 days ago

Face it, Miami (and it’s surrounding counties) was built as a suburban car metropolitan area, and will be that way indefinitely. Unless a city had high density urban planning since its inception, it’s almost impossible that it could fully be transit friendly. All of our infrastructure, houses and highways are suburban/car based and would take decades to completely transform it. But nobody is giving up their 2400 sq ft SFH with a yard any time soon. If I wanted density, I’d go back to New York.

24 days ago

Unlike you, I’m not a New York transplant. Us locals have wanted density forever, but it’s people like you that seemingly have nothing else to talk about other than “this is how it was back in New York” would suddenly have nothing left to talk down about.

WE – the actual locals- are sick of impossible traffic and ugly strip malls

23 days ago

Actually, many of US locals such as myself did not want the density and have since moved on to less congested and less expensive pastures elsewhere—-the Treasure Coast, SW Florida, Central Florida, North Florida, Georgia, TN, NC/SC etc. Are you being held at gunpoint to stay in South Florida? Unless you’re rolling large making $250+/yr and can’t make it anywhere else, then it’s time to shop around. Or you can wait around for a Metrorail extension lol.

24 days ago

What a joke!

24 days ago

Probably more like 2137. Either way its a line that is just in the wrong place. It serves a low density area with few nodes. Its too close to the NE corridor to draw anyone from the east. The line needs to be father to the west and go up in to SW Broward.

24 days ago

To close to the northeast corridor?? It’s literally on the other side of 95

24 days ago

No. Build the infrastructure and the developers will build around the stations. That’s how you grow smartly. Build high density and then try and figure out how to wiggle elevated rail into a dense neighborhood

24 days ago

How about build lines where the density and walkability already exists for it to be utilized beyond park-and-ride, like through Little Havana and to South Beach?

24 days ago

It should be Metromoober because I want it to be free to see games in the VIP box my parents paid for.

24 days ago

There is no right or wrong here. The commente are simply socially and/or politically divided. Miami does not share the same views of most liberal cities you all keep refering to as some kind of perfect model. People massively move away from these cities to Miami in order to escape unsafe train stations, depressing subways, and insane tax rates to sponsor money-losing transit systems. Most people who move in are wealthy and driving a luxury car is part of the lifestyle they aspire to. The same people from the left who pushed the work from home model to the max now want to have others pay for their commute. If the actual demand for train is so immense, private companies will fill the gap and do a much faster and better job than any government structure ever can.

24 days ago

Actual people from Miami hate suffering through the gridlocked traffic. “Driving a luxury car” loses its appeal when you’re stuck in traffic. When people think of Miami, they think of beaches, clubs, and a good time….not crawling on an ugly grey highway staring at 411-Pain and Morgan&Morgan billboards

23 days ago

^^You DO realize other big cities with wonderous transit also have traffic gridlock similar to or worse than Miami, right?

Ten years gone
24 days ago

Wow, more than a decade delay from the 2026 World Cup ambitious target it it were fully expedited.

24 days ago

Nobody wanted this for the freaking World Cup, it’s wanted to ease painful work commutes.

Yan Jammer
23 days ago

Then why does the Palmetto and Okeechobee stations of Metrorail at the NW end never have high ridership with park and rides to avoid the final terrible 12 miles of the Dade commute?

23 days ago

Because those stations are in the barrio desert and the locals aren’t commuting to white collar downtown jobs.

23 days ago

Every time I ride the train there it’s packed and way more people use those stations that the ones near brownsville/MLK etc.

The problem is that the Green Line gets screwed over – if you work at Civic Centre and want to go south near Dadeland you can easily and mindlessly hop in any train that comes every 5 mins. Meanwhile if you want to go north, you have to pay attention to not go on an Orange Line train – and of course the delays end up making it every 10-15 mins wait time per Green train as more empty oranges zoom by. It’s a big difference.

24 days ago

Every last person involved in this ongoing debacle should resign out of sheer embarrassment. This city does not have people with the knowledge and talent needed to operate, much less expand, a public transit system.

24 days ago

Since the mayor and Higgins dropped this big announcement stating that this would happen for the World Cup, they should at least comment that it’s now not happening and explain why they put that date out there to begin with.

24 days ago

Not really a surprise. The upcomming news about the bad planning with the south corridor BRT is about to kill most of the appetite for more transit projects in Dade. Slow motion train wreck.

CD Knewts
23 days ago

$220 Million Dollars Per Mile!

20 THIRTY freaking 7
24 days ago

Who is in charge of these decisions? Why is there no accountability?

Vote these traitorous morons out of office ASAP- they clearly never had any intent in actually representing or benefiting the lives of their constituents.

23 days ago

13 years? This is so tiring.

24 days ago


20 days ago

this city can’t even handle trash pickup what makes you think they can build public transport. What a joke

20 days ago

metro rail doesn’t even have proper signs, when taking the orange line to the airport, it sometimes has a change and they don’t even announce it. MM has constant maintenance related delays, and double cars in the dead inner loop, and single cars on the full loop which seems to be at capacity now most of the time. This city and county are incapable of handling public infrastructure. It’s embarrassing

Joe Carollo
24 days ago

Just one more lane bro.

24 days ago

This town is such an embarrassment. The lack of leadership is like no other.
I hope the state takes over the whole county.

24 days ago

That’ll be worse. The state government in Tallahassee doesn’t believe in public transit at all.

24 days ago

It’s not the city or state, it’s the county. Geniuses…

24 days ago

Tiny city trying to play big city by pimping out it’s land to luxury developers. Does nothing for actual residents.

21 days ago

Laughable, offensive, sad. Zero foresight.

Cover the Podiums
24 days ago

Let any European engineering and construction firm take over. They will finish the whole thing in 3 years

24 days ago

The billions in construction and operating costs are what’s keeping it from being built. Plenty of US companies could build it out better than your Euro besties, but they need to get paid to do so.