Florida’s Department of Transportation says it is still targeting a late 2027 completion for Downtown Miami’s Signature Bridge, according to Local10.
The total project cost, including a major interchange rebuild, is also still estimated at $840 million.
The construction contract for the project initially began in October 2018, with a four-year deadline to the contractor for completion and a budget of $802 million.
Extension of the deadline was permitted under certain circumstances, including weather and major events.
Contractors have already completed one of the bridge’s six arches, with a second to be closed in the next few weeks.
Improvements will include a public park space (formerly known as the Underdeck) underneath the bridge. The bridges will be raised higher than the old bridges to allow more light, while the number of columns will be reduced from 800 previously to under 100.
The roads will also be wider and straighter, allowing more capacity and reducing weaving.
An entirely new I395-I95 interchange connected to a double deck highway along the Dolphin Expressway is also being built.