Total Demolition Permit Issued For 2000 Wynwood Site

Miami’s Building Department has issued a total demolition permit for the 2000 Wynwood property.

The demolition permit was approved on January 2, and issued on January 6. It was initially applied for in July 2023.

The BG Group is the demolition contractor.

2000 Wynwood was approved as a 12-story building by the Wynwood Design Review Committee and Miami’s Urban Development Review Board in June 2023.

According to a November utilities agreement with Miami-Dade’s Water & Sewer Department, the development will include:

  • 310 residential units
  • 1,000 square feet of full service restaurant
  • 11,351 square feet of retail

There will also be 308 parking spaces.

A master construction permit entered a new review cycle in December.

Leo A Daly is the architect.

Clearline Real Estate is the developer.



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1 month ago

drove by this site this week and demolition looked about done. This corner of Wynwood has and will continue to change for the better. No longer will Kush be tucked away by its lonesome in a sketchy corner of Wynwood.

Will I Am
1 month ago

Great infill. Especially for a former trash transit location. Go Miami!

1 month ago

Wynwood and OMNI are getting closer to connecting.

1 month ago

We need more development in Overtown to connect Wynwood to the A&E District. It would be nice seeing them and Edgewater all connected together with Biscayne Park at the center, but the FP&L substation and Braman are in the way.

1 month ago

Overtown is south west of the “art and entertainment” area right?

1 month ago

part of it is but it also stretches north (east of 95) to meet Wynwood on 20th St

Tom Sawyer-Future
1 month ago

Over time, larger, spaced-out, amorphous neighborhoods like Overtown and Little Havana—shaped more by historical labels, political gerrymandering, and racial or income divides than by clear, organic boundaries—will naturally evolve. Gathering points, such as Brickell station or MetroMover stops, will increasingly form the true centers of neighborhoods as density rises, while highways and other barriers will define distinct areas.

Some of Miami’s neighborhood designations, particularly those that feel inconsistent or counterintuitive, stem from an earlier era when space was plentiful and communities lacked dense, transit-oriented hubs. As new pockets emerge, it’s crucial to allow neighborhoods the time and flexibility to develop organically, shaped by where people naturally gather—not by outdated labels, political divisions, or abstract views from drone footage above.

1 month ago

NIce!!! New construction has crossed South of 20th Street into Overtown. Luxury townhouses breaking ground on NW 2nd Court between 19th and 20th street. Whole area is prime!

Yes please
1 month ago

I think that Northern Overtown area just south of Wynwood is a great location to build townhomes and row houses. Make some less fancy and affordable too and there will be good variety.

Cover the Podiums
1 month ago

name of the luxury townhouse development?

1 month ago

IDK the name; saw the plan approvals. Luxury townhouses going up on 1910 & 1920 NW 2nd Court. Renderings show each unit has its own pool with outdoor showers & BBQ. 2800+ sq ft under AC per unit.

1 month ago

That’s ambitious, and would be great…especially if those pioneers can take the arrows.

1 month ago

Lol. I take it you see that block as being the Oregon Trail

1 month ago

Now this is a great project, helping to unify different neighborhoods! I recently walked up N. Miami Ave from the School Board metro stop (in Omni) to Wynwood and was disappointed by how large the undeveloped gap is between Downtown and Wynwood. Seeing smaller projects in this area to connect these ‘in-between neighborhoods’ of Overtown and Omni is so critical and makes Miami more walkable. More of this please. Kudos to the developers for making a positive contribution.

1 month ago

Wynwood has so much potential, yet it often feels like a separate borough of Miami—isolated, without even a transit stop to connect it. It’s like an inland island. I’d love to see it become more integrated with the rest of the city, especially since many treat it like a must-see stop on their way to Downtown or Brickell, almost like a its own novel experience that prides itself on authenticity and grit.

1 month ago

Again, we don’t have boroughs here.

Cover the Podiums
1 month ago

20th street needs a major revamp. Its a main connection for cars and people from edgewater to wynwood

1 month ago

The fact they took away that lane going east on 20th and combined it with the left turn lane is ridiculous.

1 month ago

Now this is a great project, helping to unify different neighborhoods! I recently walked up N. Miami Ave from the School Board metro stop (in Omni) to Wynwood and was disappointed by how large the undeveloped gap is between Downtown and Wynwood. Seeing smaller projects in this area to connect these ‘in-between neighborhoods’ of Overtown and Omni is so critical and makes Miami more walkable. More of this please. Kudos to the developers for making a positive contribution.

1 month ago

Now this is a great project, helping to unify different neighborhoods! I recently walked up N. Miami Ave from the School Board metro stop (in Omni) to Wynwood and was disappointed by how large the undeveloped gap is between Downtown and Wynwood. Seeing smaller projects in this area to connect these ‘in-between neighborhoods’ of Overtown and Omni is so critical and makes Miami more walkable. More of this please. Kudos to the developers for making a positive contribution.

1 month ago

Wynwood is my 2nd favorite neighborhood in Miami behind Brickell.

1 month ago

Favorites (IMO):
1. Brickell
2. MetroCenter (Brightline Station)
3. Lumus Park
4. Coconut Grove
5. Park West
6. Wynwood

Honorable Mentions:
1. Little Havana,
2. Riverside South
3. Design District
4 Edgewater

1 month ago

What are you defining as Riverside South vs Little Havana? Solid list except I would say the Bayfront Park area/Flagler District is nicer than by Gov Center/Brightline

1 month ago

Frankly, looks even better than a lot of multi-family projects in the center of Wynwood. No irregular windows and balconies, or parking garages pathetically covered with murals.

Yan Jammer
1 month ago

This looks like an enhanced midrise motel building.

1 month ago

Calling this “Wynwood” might feel overused, just like how “Little Havana” is at times used for a large, diverse region. Maybe a fresh name like “Wonderwood” or “WySo” could work for south of Wynwood.

Lamont D Sanford
1 month ago

At least no one is calling it Park Avenue in North Brickell.

T. Sawyer-Futuro
1 month ago

Park Avenue serves as an inspirational concept to illustrate the immense untapped potential and underutilized nature of what could arguably be the most significant and thoughtfully designed core artery along Second Avenue in Brickell and downtown Miami.

In a vibrant downtown characterized by congestion yet abundant opportunities to add new, unparalleled offerings, the goal isn’t to diminish what already exists but to highlight, elevate, and bring cohesion to what does, allowing it to shine collectively. A new name could emerge naturally over time, as it should—and perhaps, as it inevitably will.

1 month ago

No need to reinvent the wheel. It’s either Overtown or Wynwood on this border region

1 month ago

“Wonderwood’ sounds incredibly childish

1 month ago

You’re right, Alice. Does Wonderlyn give it maturity?

1 month ago

What’s wrong with having a family-oriented inner city neighborhood that caters to a child’s perspective?

Now that’s something that could help expand this city and connect our neighborhoods. I think we have many adult playgrounds, that cater to full grown men playing with their noisy car toys, and more coming. So why not something that caters to families, our inner children, and collective sense of wonder?

1 month ago

Plus the school board is close by right? And it give it its own unique angle.

1 month ago

WySo is a project in the works. The large vacant lots and buildings along 20th Street are all owned by the developer that built the Baha Mar in the Bahamas

1 month ago

Thanks for sharing. This is going to be incredible!

1 month ago

This isn’t south of Wynwood. It is in Wynwood.

AJ Reddy
1 month ago

TNM is not putting the location map anymore in its articles 🙁